Meet Me Where I am Workbook

Meet Me Where I Am is a workbook for early childhood professionals, teachers, and family service providers interested in supporting the wellness and resilience of families and their young children.  This workbook provides an overview of practical information and reflective and practice activities designed to aid professionals in engaging families and promoting protective factors.

Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework

The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) developed a protective factors framework for working with and nurturing the wellness and resilience of families.  This research-informed approach identifies key principles and proven strategies that ensure organizational success in promoting a core set of five protective factors. 

Strengthening Families Protective Factors Family Tip Sheets

The SF Protective Factors Family Tip Sheets offer easy to read information on each of the five protective factors and practical tips for parents to build protective factors in their own families.

Family Thrive Action Guide

The Kentucky Strengthening Families (KYSF) and the Kentucky Youth Thrive (KYYT) frameworks use the latest science to build protective factors that promote well-being in families and youth across the lifespan.  The Family Thrive Action Guide is a resource that provides concrete action steps for programs and communities seeking to align their practice with KYSF/KYYT.

Strengthening Families Self-Assessments for Programs

The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) developed the Strengthening Families Self-Assessments for Programs as a key implementation tool for Strengthening Families.  It uses concrete, observable items to show how the protective factors can be supported through “small but significant” changes in program practice. Attached are assessments edited for our region.

Self Assessment Tools:

Strengthening Families and Parental Resiliency: Impact on School Readiness

The overall objective of Strengthening Families and Parental Resiliency: Impact on School Readiness was to determine the potential impact Strengthening Families has on improving school readiness for children through its support of parents and its involvement in early care and education programs. As a result of this project, we will begin drawing correlations between parental resiliency and school readiness of young children.

Childcare providers use two- generational approach to help preschoolers from being expelled

This article highlights the Resilient Children and Families Program (RCFP) as a two-generation approach that works to mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and promotes protective factors for children and families.  Participants in RCFP, including staff, child care providers, and a parent were interviewed.

Supporting Families Exposed to Adverse Childhood Experiences Within Child Care Settings: A Feasibility Pilot

This project aimed to explore the feasibility and acceptability of identifying childhood adversity and strengthening family protective factors by incorporating professional development and both universal and targeted interventions that included screening, motivational interviewing, parent cafés, and parenting workshops within ten family and center-based child care programs.

Impact Report
Who do we serve? Read our latest Impact Report, detailing the quantifiable results of our outreach in our community.

The Consortium for Resilient Young Children is a collaborative of mental health and early childhood organizations that promotes the social and emotional development and well-being of young children, strengthens the capacity of all adults who care for them, and advocates for coordinated, aligned systems. The Resilient Children & Families Program (RCFP) is a service of The Consortium.