Make a Difference for Young Children!

The Consortium Resilient Young Children creates positive impacts for young children across Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky. Dedicated to promoting the social, emotional wellness of young children, CRYC is directly addressing the effects of stress and adversity for both children and the adults that care for them.

By investing in CRYC you help to ensure that the Greater Cincinnati region is taking intentional steps to eliminate education and health disparities for children and families most at risk.

Ways to Contribute:

Make a Gift

  • To make a monetary donation Click Here
  • Be sure to designate your gift to CRYC

*CRYC’s fiscal agent is Best Point Education and Behavioral Health. Your gift will be directly applied to CRYC programs and services managed by Best Point.

Volunteer your Time
Volunteers are often needed to assist with program offerings, administrative functions, or regional events. To inquire about volunteering email:

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Learn more about strategies and programs designed to promote the social emotional wellness of Young Children and the adults that care for them: The Consortium for Resilient Young Children

Our center has been in partnership with RCFP for over ten years and have appreciated their support and respect for families by building trust and caring relationships. Communication is the key to understanding what is needed to support families. Our parents and staff have experienced ongoing support to help build a positive classroom and home environment to help young children socially and emotionally become successful and confident in life. RCFP has provided our teachers with classroom support, meetings to discuss and provide meaningful ideas that promote positive, supportive relationships with our parents. RCFP is a wonderful organization that helps and supports centers to improve the quality of care in early childhood and we thank you for all that you do to provide for centers.

Cindy Wooten

Director, YMCA Valley Early Learning Center